ReDI School Munich - Frontend Development - Spring 2021
This repository contains slides and class resources for the Frontend Development course of spring 2021 at ReDI school Munich.
- Course content overview
- Setting up the development environment
- How to submit homeworks
- Introduce HTML
- Introduce structure semantics
- Build our first page using images
- Introduce inline CSS
Recap, CSS, Selectors, Specificity, CSS Cascade
- Understand latest homework (external css + button styles)
- Recap last CSS properties
- Learn about box model
Recap, CSS Box Model
- Javascript Language Basics:
- Variables
- Conditionals
- Functions
- Recap Thursday April 1st
- CSS box model
- Flexbox
- Introduction to CSS Grid Layout
- Terminology
- Part 1: Parent Properties
- Part 2: Child Properties
- Device Adaptation
- Recap
- Theoretical history
- Media queries
- A lot of recap + more topics around:
- Variables
- Conditionals
- Functions
- Arrays
- Loops
- DOM manipulation
- Recap of DOM manipulations
- Introduction on manipulation of styles
- Algorithm programming
- Working with REST APIs
- Recap of Objects
- Exercises on Objects
- Minor DOM manipulations over Objects
- Recap of DOM manipulation
- Form validation
- Event listeners
- Custom validation
- Recap of event listeners
- Recap of API calls
- About disabilities
- What is Accessibility
- What can we do
- Accessibility Standards
- Callback functions
- Promises
- Call stack
- Security
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