Redi School Munich - Spring 2021 not Java 😁
...was created in ten days. the most commonly used programming language in the world.
Not very spectacular yet
is a functiononclick
is an event handler
<!DOCTYPE html>
alert("I appear upon page load");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="script.js"></script>
alert("Hello World");
Preferred method, because this keeps markup and logic separate
Keyboard shortcut: F12
Language Basics:
// Variable declaration:
let question;
// Variable assignment:
question = "What's the answer to the ultimate question of life, "
+ "the universe and everything?";
// Declaration and assignment
let answer = 42;
let myVariable = "I can be changed";
myVariable = "New value"; // Works fine
const myConstant = "I cannot be changed";
myConstant = "New value"; // Throws an error!
var myVariable = "This is a variable";
myVariable = "newValue";
can be used to print any value into the developer console.
let person1 = "Alice";
let person2 = "Bob";
console.log("The name of the second person is " + person2);
String |
Number |
Boolean |
Undefined |
Furthermore, there are Object
, Function
, BigInt
and Symbol
OperatorReturns the data type of an expression.
const myString = "Charlie";
const myBoolean = false;
console.log(typeof myString); // ==> string
console.log(typeof myBoolean); // ==> boolean
console.log(typeof 123); // ==> number
Language Basics:
// This is a single-line comment
Everything in between
is a comment
Language Basics:
Symbols that produce a result based on one or more input values.
A small selection:
// Addition (numbers): +
console.log(6 + 9); // ==> 15
// Concatenation (strings): +
console.log("Hello " + "world"); // ==> "Hello World"
// Subtraction, Multiplication, Division: - * /
console.log(9 - 3); // ==> 6
console.log(8 * 2); // ==> 16
console.log(9 / 3); // ==> 3
If the types of two values used for an operator mismatch, or the types don't match the operator's expectation, Javascript guesses which type to use.
// string + number = string
console.log("4" + 2); // ==> "42"
// string * number = number
console.log("4" * 2); // ==> 8
// boolean + boolean = number
console.log(true + false); // ==> 1
// boolean + string = string
console.log(true + "false"); // ==> "truefalse"
👉 Make sure your variables have the right type. Use typeof
if you don't know their type.
If you need to convert a variable from one type to another, you can use a Primitive Wrapper
let age = prompt("How old are you? Type a number");
console.log(age); // ==> "30"
console.log(typeof age); // ==> string
age = Number(age); // converting to number
console.log(age); // ==> 30
console.log(typeof age); // ==> number
age = String(age); // converting back to string
console.log(age); // ==> "30"
console.log(typeof age); // ==> string
Language Basics:
if ( /* condition */ ) {
/* code that runs when condition is true */
The condition can be any expression which returns a boolean.
if (true) {
console.log("I always run");
if (false) {
console.log("I never run");
const passwordEntry = prompt("What is the password?");
if (passwordEntry === "hunter2") {
alert("You now have access to my super secret area!");
is the strict equality operator. It returns true, if both arguments are matching types and values.
console.log(5 === 5); // ==> true
console.log(8 === 2 * 4); // ==> true
console.log("5" === 5); // ==> false
By contrast, the loose equality operator ==
allows for implicit type conversion before comparing values
console.log(5 == 5); // ==> true
console.log("5" == 5); // ==> true (different types, but same value after type conversion)
console.log("3" == 5); // ==> false (different types and values)
if ( /* condition */ ){
/* code that runs when condition is true */
} else {
/* code that runs when condition is false */
const pizzaTopping = prompt("What do you like on your pizza: 🍕");
if (pizzaTopping !== "pineapples") {
alert("Yum! I love pizza with " + pizzaTopping);
} else {
alert("Eeew how could you?");
is the strict inequality operator. It does the opposite of ===
console.log(5 !== 5); // ==> false
console.log("Alice" !== "Bob"); // ==> true
console.log("20" !== 20); // ==> true
const input = prompt("Ask me about what the names of some coding languages mean");
if (input === "html") {
alert("HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language");
} else if (input === "css") {
alert("CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets");
} else if (input === "javascript") {
alert("Javascript is just Javascript");
} else {
alert("I don't know the language " + input);
All of these can be used as conditions for if
Language Basics:
MDN: Functions
Syntax for calling a function:
name_of_the_function( /* 0 - n comma-separated arguments */ );
Some functions that we already saw:
Functions may return a value, which we can then process further
let answer = prompt("Question");
Function declaration syntax:
function myFunction(firstArgument, secondArgument) {
/* function logic */
function multiply(num1, num2) {
let result = num1 * num2;
return result;
The return
statement passes on a value to the caller.
The function stops at this point.
console.log(multiply(3, 5)); // ==> 15
const product = multiply(4, 4);
console.log(product); // ==> 16
function multiply(num1, num2) {
let result = num1 * num2;
return result;
All other variables declared inside the function are discarded.
console.log(multiply(6, 3)); // ==> 18
console.log(result); // ==> ReferenceError: result is not defined
console.log(num1); // ==> ReferenceError: num1 is not defined
console.log(num2); // ==> ReferenceError: num2 is not defined
The return
statement is optional. Both of these examples are valid and return nothing:
// Assuming someOtherFunction() exists
function myFunction1() {
function myFunction2() {
console.log(myFunction1()); // ==> undefined
Javascript's interface for interacting with HTML
MDN: Document Object ModelSelect an HTML element using CSS-selectors in Javascript
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Query Seletctors</title>
<script src="query-selectors.js" defer>
<h1>Query Selectors</h1>
let heading = document.querySelector("h1");
heading.innerHTML = "Changed";
lets us access and change the element's content.
function changeImage() {
const imgElement = document.querySelector("#catImage");
if (imgElement.attributes.src.value === "images/cat1.jpg") {
imgElement.attributes.src.value = "images/cat2.jpg";
} else if (imgElement.attributes.src.value === "images/cat2.jpg") {
imgElement.attributes.src.value = "images/cat3.jpg";
} else {
imgElement.attributes.src.value = "images/cat1.jpg";
<!-- ... -->
<button type="button" onClick="changeImage()">Change Image</button>
<img src="images/cat1.jpg" id="catImage" alt="Cat"/>
Two ways of starting the debugger:
allows you to pause any script and execute it step by step.
Language Basics:
Two commonly used types:
MDN: while
while ( /* condition */ ) {
/* code to run repeatedly while condition is true */
The syntax of while
-loops is similar to that of if
if ( /* condition */ ) {
/* code to run if condition is true */
sum += number;
is equivalent to
sum = sum + number;
is equivalent to
number = number + 1;
keywordStops the execution of a loop regardless of the condition
MDN: for
for ( /* initialization */; /* condition */; /* final expression */) {
/* code to be run while condition is true */
loop can be rewritten as a while
Language Basics:
MDN: Array
Empty array
let myArray = [];
Non-empty array
let myArray = ["first value", "second value", "third value"];
Arrays aren't primitive types, therefore the typeof
operator returns "object".
To check whether a variable is an array, use Array.isArray()
let myArray = [1, 2, 3];
console.log(typeof myArray); // ==> "object"
console.log(Array.isArray(myArray)); // ==> true
let zooAnimals = ["giraffe", "zebra", "lion"];
// Array indexes start at 0
console.log(myArray[0]); // ==> "giraffe"
console.log(myArray[1]); // ==> "zebra"
console.log(myArray[2]); // ==> "lion"
myArray[0] = "tortoise";
console.log(myArray[0]); // ==> "tortoise"
let cakeIngredients = ["eggs", "flour", "sugar"];
console.log(cakeIngredients); // ==> ["eggs", "flour", "sugar", "chocolate"]
let ingredient = cakeIngredients.pop();
console.log(ingredient); // ==> "chocolate";
console.log(cakeIngredients); // ==> ["eggs", "flour", "sugar"];
Output in both cases:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src="arrays.js" defer></script>
<a href="#">Regular link</a>
<a href="">External link</a>
<a href="otherpage.html">Regular link</a>
<a href="">External link</a>
const externalAnchors =
for (let anchor of externalAnchors) { = "_blank";