Responsive Design

Redi School Munich - Spring 2021


  • Flexbox
  • Grid

Once upon a time...

There weren't many devices, websites were designed for computers only


Something had to change!

People started to create another website for mobile screens

But it wasn't!

After lots of trial and errors and many other "great" ideas

Responsive Web Design

came to life!

What is Responsive Web Design?

Is an approach to web design that lets our website adapt to different screen and window sizes

Mobile traffic makes up for more than 51% of all traffic

If your site is not responsive, it is not gonna make it

The pillars of RWD

  • Flexible Grid Layouts
  • Flexible Media
  • Media Queries

Flexible Grid Layouts

  • We don't target every single device, we let it flow
  • Flexbox and Grid
  • Capable of dynamically resizing to any width
  • Relative units

Flexible Media

  • Images, videos, iframes need to adapt as well
  • max-width and srcset

Flexible Images, the problem

  • Different images for different devices
  • Larger images in smaller screens is not ideal
  • High resolution screens
  • Art direction, resolution switching
                img {
                  max-width: 100%;
More on Responsive images


  • srcset gives the browser a choice
  • Each item in the list contains the path to an image and the density of that image provided as a multiple (e.g., 1x, 2x, 3x…).
  • Great for fixed width images, not ideal otherwise
  • Density is a resolution switching case

Width descriptors

  • We list the resolution of the image
  • But this might not be enough, we need to give more information to the browser

The sizes attribute

  • Media condition is similar to media queries
  • If the viewport is 480 pixels wide or smaller, the image will be 100% of the viewport width

The picture element

  • Contains a series of source child elements followed by the required img element
  • The media attribute tells the browser that this source should only be used if the viewport is larger than or equal to what we specify

Media Queries

They allow us to target the certain conditions and apply CSS when those rules match

viewport is larger than 320px

the device is a touchscreen

Media Queries

                  @media media-type and (media-feature-rule) {
                    /* CSS rules go here */
                  /* When the browser is at least 600px and above */
                  @media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
                    .element {
                      /* Apply some styles */

Media Queries

@media Is a css rule that let us target different conditions

Media type is what we are targeting, the most common being screen

Other values include all and print

Media features test a single specific feature of the target device, most common are min-width and max-width

Other values include orientation or hover

More on media query features

The operator let us combine different media features to make a more specific rule

We can use and, not and or

Mobile First

Until now we have only focused on doing things for desktop

Mobile first design is a design strategy that says when you create a website or app, you should start sketching and prototyping the smallest screen first and work your way up to larger screens. Essentially, it’s about delivering the right user experience to the right device.

Let's see it in action

The viewport meta tag

The browser's viewport is the area of the window in which web content can be seen


device-width is the width of the screen in CSS pixels at a scale of 100%.

The initial-scale property controls the zoom level when the page is first loaded

Key takeaways

  • Design the mobile website first and work your way up to the desktop version.
  • Stay fluid; use some @media queries to restyle things as needed.
  • Implement a responsive images solution


Take the previous homework and make all necessary changes so it is responsive in every size
