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Javascript: Recap + DOM Manipulation

Redi School Munich - Spring 2021




  • Event listeners
  • Developer tools
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • DOM Manipulation 👀

Recap: Developer Tools

Keyboard shortcut: F12

Developer Console

Developer Console

Language Basics:



MDN: Declarations
  • why
  • let
  • const
  • primitive data types
  • typeof
  • naming convention (must be self explanatory)
  • Object (also arrays) & Functions (incl. BigInt and Symbol)


MDN: console.log() console.log() can be used to print any value into the developer console.
  • why
  • importance
  • console.(log|info|error)
Console Log

Language Basics:

Language Basics:

  • comments
  • operators
  • type conversion (implicit vs explicit)

Language Structure:

Language Structure:

(demo included)

  • conditionals
  • functions
  • arrow functions (short-hand)
  • DOM, finally!
  • Loops, loops and more loops!
  • Arrays and Objects

Document Object Model

Javascript's interface for interacting with HTML

MDN: Document Object Model

Query Selector

MDN: Document.querySelector()

Select an HTML element using CSS-selectors in Javascript


                      <!DOCTYPE html>
                          <title>Query Seletctors</title>
                          <script src="query-selectors.js" defer>
                          <h1>Query Selectors</h1>

                      let heading = document.querySelector("h1");

                      heading.innerText = "Changed";


Element.innerText lets us access and change the element's content.

Putting all of it together

                  function changeImage() {
                    const imgElement = document.querySelector("#catImage");

                    if (imgElement.attributes.src.value === "images/cat1.jpg") {
                      imgElement.attributes.src.value = "images/cat2.jpg";
                    } else if (imgElement.attributes.src.value === "images/cat2.jpg") {
                      imgElement.attributes.src.value = "images/cat3.jpg";
                    } else {
                      imgElement.attributes.src.value = "images/cat1.jpg";

                <!-- ... -->

                <button type="button" onClick="changeImage()">Change Image</button>
                <img src="images/cat1.jpg" id="catImage" alt="Cat"/>

Language Basics:



Two commonly used types:

  • while
  • for


MDN: while


              while ( /* condition */ ) {
                /* code to run repeatedly while condition is true */

The syntax of while-loops is similar to that of if-statements:

                if ( /* condition */ ) {
                  /* code to run if condition is true */


sum += number;

is equivalent to

sum = sum + number;

is equivalent to

number = number + 1;

The break keyword

Stops the execution of a loop regardless of the condition


MDN: for


              for ( /* initialization */; /* condition */; /* final expression */) {
                /* code to be run while condition is true */


Every for loop can be rewritten as a while loop

Language Basics:



MDN: Array

  • Variable type that holds multiple values
  • Useful when handling a larger, possibly even unknown amount of similar objects


MDN: Object

  • Variable type that holds a collection of data
  • Useful when handling a larger, possibly even unknown amount of similar objects

Array initialization

Empty array

              let myArray = [];

Non-empty array

              let myArray = ["first value", "second value", "third value"];

Arrays aren't primitive types, therefore the typeof operator returns "object".
To check whether a variable is an array, use Array.isArray().

                let myArray = [1, 2, 3];
                console.log(typeof myArray);         // ==> "object"
                console.log(Array.isArray(myArray)); // ==> true

Accessing array elements

              let zooAnimals = ["giraffe", "zebra", "lion"];

              // Array indexes start at 0
              console.log(myArray[0]);  // ==> "giraffe"
              console.log(myArray[1]);  // ==> "zebra"
              console.log(myArray[2]);  // ==> "lion"

              myArray[0] = "tortoise";

              console.log(myArray[0]);  // ==> "tortoise"

Adding and removing elements

MDN: push and pop

              let cakeIngredients = ["eggs", "flour", "sugar"];


              console.log(cakeIngredients);    // ==> ["eggs", "flour", "sugar", "chocolate"]

              let ingredient = cakeIngredients.pop();

              console.log(ingredient);         // ==> "chocolate";
              console.log(cakeIngredients);    // ==> ["eggs", "flour", "sugar"];

Iterating through arrays

Output in both cases:

A practical example


                      <!DOCTYPE html>
                      <html lang="en">
                        <script src="arrays.js" defer></script>
                        <a href="#">Regular link</a>
                        <a href="https://google.com">External link</a>
                        <a href="otherpage.html">Regular link</a>
                        <a href="https://bing.com">External link</a>

                      const externalAnchors =

                      for (let anchor of externalAnchors) {
                        anchor.target = "_blank";

Object initialization

Empty object

              let myObject = {};

Non-empty array

              let myObject = {
                name: 'Zac',
                age: 33,
                likesCoding: true

Objects aren't also primitive types, therefore the typeof operator returns "object". >.

                let myObject = {
                  name: 'Joao',
                  age: 92,
                  likesCoding: true

                console.log(myObject.name);         // ==> "Joao"
                console.log(typeof myObject === 'object'); // ==> true

Finally, demos! (one-way data binding)

MDN: Manipulating documents (DOM)

incl. DOM manipulations on a Twitter-like example 🙂

In-class exercise!

45 minutes! 🕘

  • Display 10 movie titles according to an array of nominees from before-ystday' Oscar! (payload will be given)
  • If item is more than 5 stars, a highlight should be shown (maybe a background or a star should appear – up to you!)
  • Use functions, conditionals and loops and whatever you feel like you have learned over the past classes

✨ Make usage of the following (if there's time enough):

  • - Make usage of grid / flexbox (if possible)


Let's evolve the twitter application we created together. (I'll send you it soon!)

Questions || Feedback?