Algorithms and APIs

Redi School Munich - Spring 2021

Algorithm programming

▶ Demo

Working with APIs

What is an API?

  • API stands for Application Programming Interface
  • A set of functions that programs publish for other programs to use
  • Any communication between two different programs works through APIs!

APIs in the context of Web Development

  • A way of exchanging information with a backend server
  • Most commonly used: REST APIs


MDN: Fetch API


                .then(response => {
                  // we can work with the API response now.


                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(data => {
                  const person = data.results[0];
                  alert('Got a random user named ' + + ' ' +;

Why the strange syntax with .then?

  • API-Requests take time
  • This syntax allows to define a behaviour for once the request finishes, without blocking the rest of the application.

                      .then(response => {
                        console.log('Got response');

                    console.log('After fetch');


                    After fetch
                    Got response

This syntax is called Promise.

Final Projects

Final Projects

  • Think of a topic for your final project.
    For example a weather application, an online shop concept, a personal portfolio etc.
  • Consider that your project should make use of all three technologies we learned so far: HTML, CSS and Javascript.
  • You may search for Free APIs for inspiration
  • Draw a wireframe of how you want your website to look like.
    A drawing with pen & paper is sufficient. The wireframe should include all elements that the final result is supposed to have, and show their arrangement.