Hey! 👋🏼


Redi School Munich - Spring 2021


An illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for someone to do the things that other people do

  • Impairements
  • Participation Restriction
  • Activity limitations



Mismatch between a person’s abilities and their environment

Inaccessible environments create disabilities

Being accessible is about making your website available for anyone no matter how they have to use it


Because is the right thing to do!

The perfect user

  • Two hands and 10 fingers
  • Perfect vision
  • No injuries, pain or illnesses
  • Always in a perfect enviroment (no noise, glare and good lighting)

Each of us experiences life in a different way

Accessibility is often forgotten or disregarded

What can we do?

Semantic and structured HTML

Use the right tag in the right place

A good HTML is crucial for assistive technologies

Headings need to be in the right order

Keep a logical order of elements in your code

Alternative text

All images need an alt attribute but some of them might not need any text



                input:focus {
                  outline-color: red;
                  outline-style: dashed;
                  outline-width: medium;
                  outline-offset: 2px;

Color and Contrast

  • Color can convey your brand identity, help users understand information and much more
  • Not everyone perceives color the same way
  • Contrast tends to be the difference between the foreground and the background


  • Use simple language
  • Breakdown big paragraphs
  • Provide definitions for unusual words and for abbreviations
  • Be as literal as possible


  • Don't autoplay videos
  • Provide captions and transcriptions
  • Give more control to the user


  • Automated tools can only find around 25% of issues
  • Google lighthouse, axe coconut and many other tools
  • Try a screen reader
  • Deactivate your mouse

Web Accessibility Standards (WCAG)

  • It divides in 4 principles
  • Under each principle there are guidelines
  • Each guideline has success criterias
  • There are 3 levels of conformance (A, AA, AAA)

To be WCAG AA compliant, you need to satisfy all success criteria of levels A and AA. For AAA, you’ll satisfy all criteria for all three WCAG levels.

WCAG Standards

WCAG Principles: Percievable

Can users perceive the content?

It includes things like color, alternative text, captions, content order, etc

WCAG Principles: Operable

Can users use UI components and navigate the content?

It includes things like proper keyboard access, no time limits, reduced motion, focus order and more

WCAG Principles: Understandable

Can users understand the content? Can users understand the interface and is it consistent enough to avoid confusion?

It includes things like simple language, consistent navigation, proper labels and instructions, and more

WCAG Principles: Robust

Can the content be consumed by a wide variety of user agents (browsers)?

It includes things like compatibility, status messages, valid HTML and more



Work on your project

  • Is your HTML semantic?
  • Are you using headings correctly?
  • Is there enough contrast?
  • Run your project through one of the tools we used and fix any issue you find

Think about questions for the next session

Questions or Feedback?